
About the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

With 38 million specimens, the Institute of Natural Sciences has one of the ten largest natural science collections in the world, and the third largest in Europe after Paris and London. The Iguanodons of Bernissart, the Neanderthals of Spy, the collection of shells of Dautzenberg, the four fragments of lunar rocks, the Tasmanian wolf or the collection of insects of Baron De Selys Longchamps are among its treasures. Result of decades of exploration and research, the collections are divided into six main themes: entomology, recent invertebrates, recent vertebrates, anthropology, paleontology and geology.

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For any request for a high resolution photo or other media, please use the contact form below or contact the curator concerned directly (Collections).
Rue Vautier,29
1000 Brussels

+32 (0)2 627 42 11
Link to the museum plan

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